On the articles below, I tried local level modeling to time series data on Edward and am still struggling.Time series analysis on TensorFlow and Edward: local level model
Deep learning and Machine learning methods blog
Time series analysis on TensorFlow and Edward: local level model:P.S. 1
On the article below, I tried to analyze time series data with local level model. On Stan, I could do it before without problem. But on Edward and TensorFlow, I have been struggling. Deep learning and Machine learning methods blog From the situation above, although it doesn't work well yet, I got some progress.
On this article, I’ll express by Stan what I wanted on Edward. In a nutshell, I’ll write local level model to time series data on Stan.
I'll use the same data as the one which is used on the articles above. Simply, by following code, we can make the data.import numpy as np
# make data
data = []
start_point = 10.0
for i in range(100):
if i == 0:
temp = start_point
next_temp = temp + np.random.normal(0, 1)
temp = next_temp
By visualizing, let's check the behavior of it.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), data)
The purpose is to make model to trace this time series data.
Stan Modeling
Mathematically, the model can be expressed as below. This is simple local level model.This time, the purpose is just to follow the data, meaning I want to get the points of . So, I don’t use generated quantities block here. The model is like this.
data {
int N;
vector[N] X;
parameters {
vector[N] u;
real<lower=0> s_u;
real<lower=0> s_x;
model {
u[2:N] ~ normal(u[1:N-1], s_u);
X ~ normal(u, s_x);
Save the code above to the file, “local_level_model.stan”.
On Python, we can execute.import pystan
data_feed = {'X': data, 'N': len(data)}
fit = pystan.stan(file='local_level_model.stan', data=data_feed, iter=1000)
Check the outcome
We can visualize the sampled points by plot() method.fit.plot()
But on this case, is vector. The plot doen't make it easy to understand the behaviors of . So, we can extract the sampled points and check the behaviors of those.
samples = fit.extract(permuted=True)
u_mean = samples['u'].mean(axis=0)
The mean of the sampled points and the data can be plotted together.
plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), data)
plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), u_mean)
The looks valid. On Edward, I have been wanting to do same thing but now struggling.