Saturday, December 30, 2017

Time series analysis to predict future points on Stan


Before, I made the simple local level model to time series data. At that article, I just showed the sampled points traced the data. This time, I also do sampling to predict the following points of the data.

enter image description here

Roughly, on the image above, the blue points are data you already have and the red points are the predict target. The purpose of this article is to make model by blue points, data and predict red points, the values of future.


I'll use the simple artificial data.

import numpy as np

# make data
data = []
start_point = 10.0
for i in range(100):
    if i == 0:
        temp = start_point
        next_temp = temp + np.random.normal(0, 1)
        temp = next_temp

By visualizing, we can check the data behavior.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), data)
enter image description here

Stan Modeling

The model itself is the same as the one I used on the article below.

Local level model to time series data on Stan

On the articles below, I tried local level modeling to time series data on Edward and am still struggling. Deep learning and Machine learning methods blog On the article below, I tried to analyze time series data with local level model. On Stan, I could do it before without problem.

Mathematically, the model can be expressed as below. This is simple local level model.

data {
    int N;
    int pred_Num;
    vector[N] X;

parameters {
    vector[N] u;
    real<lower=0> s_u;
    real<lower=0> s_x;

model {
    u[2:N] ~ normal(u[1:(N-1)], s_u);
    X ~ normal(u, s_x);

generated quantities {
    vector[N + pred_Num] u_pred;
    vector[pred_Num] x_pred;
    u_pred[1:N] = u;
    for (i in 1:pred_Num) {
        u_pred[N+i] = normal_rng(u_pred[N+i-1], s_u);
        x_pred[i] = normal_rng(u_pred[N+i], s_x);

This time, I added generated quantities block. On this block, we can generate random numbers with the obtained parameters.


On Python, we can execute.

import pystan

data_feed = {'X': data, 'N': len(data), 'pred_Num': 100}
fit = pystan.stan(file='generated_quantities.stan', data=data_feed, iter=1000)

Check the outcome

By the extract() method, we can get the sampled points. Here, although in practical situation, it is better to use x_pred, I extracted the points of ‘u_pred’ and preserved the mean of those to the variable u_mean.

samples = fit.extract(permuted=True)
u_mean = samples['u_pred'].mean(axis=0)
If we visualize those, it becomes like this.
plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), data)
plt.plot(list(range(len(u_mean))), u_mean)

enter image description here

You may feel strange about the image because future prediction points don’t change much. But it is natural. Because this plot just shows the mean points of sampled points, the points are kept in narrow area. If I plot sampled points one by one, it becomes like this.

u_pred_1 = samples['u_pred'][0][100:]
u_pred_2 = samples['u_pred'][1][100:]
u_pred_3 = samples['u_pred'][2][100:]
u_pred_4 = samples['u_pred'][3][100:]

plt.plot(list(range(len(data))), data)
plt.plot(list(range(len(u_mean))), u_mean)
plt.plot(list(range(100, 200)), u_pred_1)
plt.plot(list(range(100, 200)), u_pred_2)
plt.plot(list(range(100, 200)), u_pred_3)
plt.plot(list(range(100, 200)), u_pred_4)
enter image description here

As you can see, there are many patterns of moving.