On this article, I'll write down the Julia's basic dataframe manipulation.I just started to use Julia. I want to continue to use this language as DS and ML tool. For that, at first I'll focus on the basic dataframe manipulation.
Here, the version of Julia is 0.6.2.
How to make DataFrame
By using DataFrames module, we can manipulate data in almost same way as Python's pandas and R.using DataFrames, CSV
Make new DataFrame
By DataFrame(), we can make DataFrame from arrays.df = DataFrame(x = [1,2,3], y = [4,5,6])
Read file
To read the csv/tsv file, there are three functions.- readcsv
- readtable from DataFrames.jl
- CSV.read from CSV.jl
df = readtable("iris.csv", header=true)
Write file
To write the data outCSV.write("output.csv", df)
How to access
By columns
We can get the subsets by specifying the column’s name or number.df[:,[:SepalLength, :SepalWidth]]
By rows
By specifying the row numberdf[1,:SepalLength]
By conditions
On the following code, I'm getting the subsets of the dataframe under the condition that the value of Species is setosa.df[df[:Species] .== "setosa", :]
sort(df, cols = (:PetalLength))